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Mobile App Development

An average user almost spends around 4 hours and 22 minutes on their mobile phones!

What does it mean?

In the simplest of words, you’re missing out on exceptional opportunities if your brand can’t translate your market offerings to your customers on a mobile device.

With a global app market predicted to reach $470 billion by 2027, you must invest in a mobile app to gain a competitive edge in your niche while satisfying your customers in real-time at their convenience.

At Silyal, we help bring your business into the hands of your customers—with your revenue only a few taps away.

What Is Mobile App Development?

The future is mobile—and the more portable and accessible your value proposition is, the stronger your brand becomes.

This is why countless brands use mobile app development services to create downloadable applications for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc.

At Silyal, we create lightning-fast, function-rich, and user-friendly applications for versatile purposes like connectivity, shopping, gaming, or navigation.

Mobile app development is creating applications for mobile devices, downloadable on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

They can be used for various purposes, such as staying connected with friends and family, shopping, playing games, and getting directions.

Mobile app development is an exhaustive process requiring various skills and expertise. At Silyal, our mobile app developers strongly understand programming languages, mobile operating systems, and user interface design.

We also think creatively and solve problems to develop innovative and user-friendly apps.

Why Do You Need Mobile App Development?

Brands develop mobile applications for their market offerings to tap into a wider audience, improve customer engagement, and generate new revenue streams. Having a mobile app allows you to:

  • Reach A Wider Audience: Mobile apps are used by billions of people around the world. By developing a mobile app, you can tap into a gigantic audience and promote your products and services to more people.
  • Improve Customer Engagement: Mobile apps provide a more engaging and personalized customer experience. You can use your mobile app to deliver targeted content, push notifications, and loyalty programs to your customers.
  • Generate New Revenue Streams: Mobile apps can generate new revenue streams through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and advertising.
  • Improve Operational Efficiency: Mobile apps can automate and streamline business processes. For example, your mobile app can manage inventory, track orders, and provide customer support.

What Are The Key Elements Of Mobile App Development?

Mobile applications are divided based on compatibility, architecture, feature set and functionality. Silyal offers:

Android App Development

Android is the most popular mobile operating system used across the planet, with an extensive user base and exceptional compatibility.

Due to its gigantic audience, countless brands create Android applications for their operations and service delivery—offering convenience and value to their customers.

At Silyal, we curate flawless Android applications that are universally compatible, function-rich, visually stunning, user-friendly and fully customizable.

Every single Android application we create offers:

Open Source


Android’s open-source nature means that developers have access to the Android Source Code, which they can modify and adapt to create unique and classy apps. This also reduces the cost of development because there are no licensing fees.

Rich Ecosystem


The Android ecosystem, with Google Play Store at its core, offers countless apps, games, and digital content. Developers can tap into this ecosystem to reach a wide audience and integrate with existing services and applications.

Support for Java and Kotlin


Android supports both Java and Kotlin programming languages. Java is a widely used language with a large community. At the same time, Kotlin, now officially supported by Google, offers modern features that make Android app development faster and more enjoyable.

Versatile Development Tools


Android Studio, the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android, has tools to facilitate development, testing, and debugging. The Android SDK includes sample projects, code libraries, and APIs to assist developers in creating high-quality apps.

Exceptional APIs


Android provides an extensive set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to integrate functionalities like cameras, sensors, data, and more into their apps.

Support for Multiple Devices


Android apps are well-suited with numerous devices, from smartphones to tablets and even wearable tech. This compatibility allows brands to cater to a larger audience across different device types.

Widgets and Customization


Android provides a function-rich set of widgets and customization options that allow developers to create apps that can be customized to the users’ preferences.

Flutter App Development

Flutter is a Google UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled mobile, web, desktop, and embedded mobile applications from a single codebase.

Flutter apps are coded in the Dart language, which is easy to learn and has a syntax similar to Java and JavaScript.

The most popular apps built using Flutter are Google Ads, Alibaba, Hamilton, ByteDance, etc.

At Silyal, our Flutter app development services typically include the following:

Cross-Platform Compatibility


Flutter makes building native-looking and performing apps for multiple platforms from a single codebase easy. This can save you time and money and help you reach a wider audience.

Hot Reload


Hot reload lets you see the changes to your code reflected in the app instantly without restarting it. This makes it much faster and easier to develop and debug your app.

Performance Driven


Flutter apps are compiled to native code, performing just as well as native apps. This is important for apps that must be responsive and fast, such as games and productivity apps.

Expressive UI


Flutter makes creating beautiful and expressive user interfaces easy. It comes with a rich set of widgets you can tailor to create your unique look and feel.

Native Features


Flutter apps have access to all the native features of the deployed platforms. This means you can use the latest features and APIs, such as cameras, sensors, and GPS.

Third-Party Packages


Flutter has a massive and active community of developers. This means that there are many third-party packages available that you can use to add features to your app, such as social media integration, payments, and analytics.

Rich Widget Library


Flutter comes with a rich widget library that you can use to build your app’s user interface. The widget library includes everything from basic buttons and text fields to complex widgets such as charts and maps.

Reduced Development Time and Cost


Flutter’s cross-platform compatibility means that you can develop a single app for multiple platforms from a single codebase. This can save you time and money on development costs.

iOS App Development

Apple works on Swift, a solid, secure, and function-rich language that enables developers to curate stylish, stunning, and value-added iOS applications for your brands.

At Silyal, we offer fully customised iOS application development services, ensuring that your application offers convenience and functionality to your delighted customers.

We ensure your iOS application is compatible with all Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks.

Our iOS applications offer next-gen solutions to your clients because of:

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


Xcode is Apple’s IDE for iOS development. It’s an all-inclusive development suite that offers developers a range of tools for coding, testing, and debugging. It is continually updated to support the latest Swift features and iOS updates.

User Friendly Interface & Experience


iOS is known for its clean, intuitive interface. Apple provides design guidelines that help developers create apps with a consistent look and feel. This consistency is key to user adoption and satisfaction as it ensures that apps are easy to use and navigate.

UKit Framework


UIKit provides a comprehensive set of developer tools for designing and managing a graphical, event-driven user interface for iOS apps. It includes many controls, views, and other UI elements necessary for a professional and user-friendly app.

Top Tier Security


iOS offers robust security features that protect against threats. This includes app sandboxing, encryption, secure boot, and a stringent app review process that minimizes the risk of malware.

Auto Layout


Auto Layout is a system that lets developers create a dynamic and responsive user interface that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. This means an app can work on all Apple devices, providing a consistent experience across multiple devices.

Interface Builder


Part of Xcode, Interface Builder is a visual tool that enables designers to create graphical user interfaces without writing code. It’s an efficient way to design and prototype user interfaces, with features like storyboards and auto-layout constraints that streamline the development process.

React Native App Development

React Native is a JavaScript framework for creating native mobile apps using a single codebase. It allows developers to curate apps for Android and iOS platforms using the same React code, saving time and resources.

React Native is based on React’s popular JavaScript library, known for its declarative programming style, component-based architecture, and virtual DOM.

These features make React Native apps highly efficient, responsive, and easy to maintain. At Silyal, we offer the following:

Cross-Platform Development


React Native allows developers to build native-looking and performing apps for Android and iOS platforms using a single codebase. This can save time and resources and help you reach a wider audience.

Native-Like Performance


React Native apps are compiled into native code, performing just as well as native apps. This is important for apps that must be responsive and fast, such as games and productivity apps.

Live Updates


React Native supports live updates, meaning users can see changes to your app without downloading a new version. This is a great way to keep your users engaged and up-to-date on the latest features.

Hot Reloading


Hot reloading allows you to see the changes to your code reflected in the app instantly without restarting it. This makes it much faster and easier to develop and debug your app.

Reusable Components


React Native is based on the component-based architecture of React. This means you can break down your app into reusable components, saving you time and making your code more maintainable.

Easy Integration with Native Code


React Native makes it easy to integrate with native code, so you can use all the native features of the platforms you are deploying. This means you can create apps that are as powerful and feature-rich as native apps.

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What Are The Benefits Of Mobile Development?

Having a mobile app by your side improves your brand value, allowing you to offer more value to your customer base with immense convenience. Brands use our mobile app development services because:

Improved Brand Visibility And Reach


With billions of smartphones worldwide, mobile apps offer an unparalleled platform to showcase your brand and expand your reach. Apps can be easily discovered through app stores and shared among users, increasing brand awareness and potential customers.

Streamlined Processes


Mobile apps can automate and streamline various business operations, saving time and resources. Inventory management, order processing, customer support, and employee communication can all be handled efficiently through mobile apps.

Data-Driven Insights And Analytics


Mobile apps generate valuable data about user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. This data can be analyzed to gain insights into customer needs, improve marketing strategies, and optimize app performance.

Revenue Generation


Mobile apps can directly contribute to business revenue through various channels, such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertising, and e-commerce sales. Apps can also drive sales to physical stores or online platforms.

At Silyal, we can help your brand become more accessible to your target audience with our impeccable mobile app development services.

Let Us Maximize The Accessibility Of Your Brand

Talk to one of our expert mobile development experts to curate a mobile application that helps bring more value to your customers with a few taps.

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    Different types of mobile apps include native apps, hybrid apps, and progressive web apps (PWAs).

    The cost of developing a mobile app can vary depending on several factors. Expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000 or more for a custom-developed app.

    The time it takes to develop a mobile app depends on its complexity. Expect to spend a few weeks to several months developing and testing an app.

    Best practices include defining your target audience, planning and designing your app carefully, using high-quality code, testing your app thoroughly before launching it, marketing it to your target audience, and maintaining and updating it regularly.

    Common mistakes to avoid include not defining your target audience, not planning and designing your app carefully, not using high-quality code, not testing your app thoroughly before launching it, not marketing it to your target audience, and not maintaining and updating it regularly.

    Many resources are available, including online courses and tutorials, books and magazines, developer forums and communities, meetups and conferences, and online resources such as Udemy or Coursera.